Dont Marry for Love Marry for Legacy

1 year ago

Marriage is a beautiful thing. It’s one of the most important things you can do in your life, and it should be treated with respect. But marriage has become so much more than just two people committing to each other—it’s now an opportunity to create a legacy.

Have you been swindled by the Lie of Love? The Lie of Love is that all people need to be happy is someone to share their life with. They will feel whole and complete when they find the right person. Even worse, society promotes this lie by placing a value on relationships as if we are not worthy of respect and honor, as humans, until we find love. Instead of looking for someone who will share your life in a way that makes you both happy, you should look for someone who makes you want to live a good life. By seeking out someone who will help give you a legacy instead of "happiness," you are creating an environment where true happiness can exist.

Recently, I was surfing the net and came across an article by a guy named Mr. X, (aka Daniel DiPiazza) that blew my mind. In this blog post , he was saying that you don’t have to marry your dream girl and instead you may want to consider marrying to expand your DNA, so ‘your kids will be smart and successful and increase your relevance’ in the future.

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