RT News - November 18th 2022

1 year ago

Pres. Zelensky now says "he's not sure" of who fired the missile which killed two civilians in Poland. This is despite accusing Russia for deliberately attacking Poland and publicly calling for NATO to join Ukraine in the proxy war already being waged against Russia on the 16th November 2022. Pres. Biden was asked his reaction from the statements of Ukraine that it was a Russian fired missile and he said "That is not the evidence". The official investigation is still ongoing.

The Biden administration may be subject to investigations into it's handling of the Hunter Biden case and other matters, in the same way as Pres. Trump was throughout his period of office. That's new statements coming from the Republicans, now in control of the US House of Representatives.

A Republican Senator asks "is Ukraine now the 51st State of USA"? Citing the vast amounts of money have been given. Republicans vow to examine every penny given to Ukraine as they take control over the House of Representatives.

COP27 concludes and RT looks at how the promises made by the west to Africa, which don't materialise, leave Africa to cope with the results of a climate emergency created by the west. "Colonial mentality"

MH17 : "A biased and politically motivated verdict" according to Moscow.

In Kenya, the British military's use of the banned substance white phosphorous during "military drills" as locals and farmers sound the alarm as they fear the toxic substance may have already harmed their animal's health with cattle dying as a result of it's use.

In Pakistan the "march to Islamabad" continues with tens of thousands following ex-Pres. Imran Khan. They expect to be in the capital city on Saturday, 19th Novemner 2022. They are calling for free and fair elections. (catch up on progress with previous posts on this channel).

Chinese-owned tech company has been told to sell the majority of its stake in a UK silicon chip factory due to security concerns.

UK .gov told Nexperia must reduce its stake in south Wales' Newport Wafer Fab by 86%, back to its previous holding of just 14% when it took over the firm in 2021, in an effort to "mitigate the risk to national security". 500 jobs are now at risk. Nexperia made the following statement: "The UK government chose not to enter into a meaningful dialogue with Nexperia or even visit the Newport site. More than 500 employees in Newport also raised their own significant concerns about such a divestment - the government has chosen not to listen to them and instead taken this decision which puts the livelihoods of them and their families, as well as more than £100m of taxpayers' money, completely unnecessarily at risk." Nexperia says the company said it will challenge the order in an effort to keep the factory and jobs. (QueenStreet comment: Where is Welsh government and the UK Secretary of State in this and why is there no opposition to the policy of UK .gov ? What's the point of them at all if they just allow this sort of thing to go unchallenged?)

Canada's Pres. Trudeau was politely given a dressing down by China's Pres. Xi at the G20 summit.

In Goma (Democratic Republic of Congo) citizens fear the incursion of the M23 insurgents who terrorise the region. They are now being displaced, plunging the region into deeper crisis. 200,000 people have fled so far. Kenyan troops arrived to help allieviate the dangerous situation and will be joined by other troops from east African countries.

A special UN Security Council meeting was held to talk about the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan on Thursday. Russia has repeated requested that sanctioned Afghan money be returned to them. (QueenStreet comment: Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.313 trillion on the "Afghanistan war". I don't know the figures for Britain. Had even just 10% of that money been spent on developing the country over 20 years, USA and Britain would be seeing a good return on it's investments and more 100,000 lives would not have been lost, including thousands of US/UK "servicemen". Instead the "peaceful NATO" just took OUR MONEY once again, to finance THEIR WARS. NATO is a political only alliance; NATO is NOT our military service personnel which must never be confused with the political-only alliance of NATO, who send OUR military out to fight mostly unjust wars and fund fascists and terrorists in foreign countries).

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