What is the #1 function of the brain? 🧠 #shorts

1 year ago

What is the #1 function of the brain?

How are you moving? Notice a big difference in range of motion from age 20 to 50? Or maybe you're in your 60s and never made movement / exercise a priority.... well it's NEVER too late to get going and move!

Balance exercises can help strengthen the connection between your brain and your body when it comes to balance.

As simple as they are, they are super effective when done consistently. It all comes down to regular movement patterns and stimulating both the body and the brain with DAILY activity.

You see, despite what you might’ve been led to believe, the real cause of trips and falls has nothing to do with getting older or slowing down. Instead, it all comes down to one thing…

A sleeping nerve in your foot that's responsible for over 97% of trips and falls in those over 60.

And according to the likes of Harvard and Cambridge University, this same under the radar problem in your foot that’s responsible for 28,000 deaths from falls each year in older men and women, will double your chance of taking a nasty spill that requires invasive surgery and months of rehab after a certain age.

Discover a simple yet very powerful 10-second fall prevention ritual to awaken the #1 deep nerve in your foot responsible for keeping you upright and stable ⬇️


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