"We Said Let's Start With Uniswap and See What We Can Unbundle:" Pranay Mohan of Hashflow

3 years ago

In this week’s episode, we talk with Varun Kumar and Pranay Mohan from Hashflow, a new decentralized exchange that wants to unbundle Uniswap. What this means is, they want to keep the non-custodial side and the liquidity pools, but instead of finding prices with smart contacts and a formula, they use market makers applying their highly specialized strategies and algorithms behind the scenes. Anyone can become a market maker, and some may open their pools so that others will be able to share their capital in exchange for a portion of trading fees. Their bet is that they will combine machines and humans in just the right way, to provide cheaper rates at lower prices.

We talk about their launch, their upcoming token, and more broadly, we dive into their big vision for Hashflow and DeFi —and it's that one day all of the world's liquidity will flow through open networks.

They explain why they didn’t build on Layer 2 -- and it seems like these founders are cautious enough about the state of scaling solutions that they decided to hold off until they’re fully convinced.

We also got philosophical, talking about the history of money and how crypto allows us to break away from a debt-based system that’s forced upon us to a voluntary, incentives-based design where each community can choose and experiment with monetary theory and policies, and manifest that into code.

But first we get into how these aerospace and chemical engineers got into building a decentralized exchange.

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