Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Zomboss - Pyre Vine - November 2022

1 year ago

This Penny's quest focuses on the SEEDIUM plant Pyre Vine and was offered between between November 16, 2022 and November 23, 2022

Pyre Vine is a member of the Pepper-Mint family.
Costs 125 Sun. (100 Sun at level 3 and 75 Sun at level 6)
Pyre Vine blows a warming fire that extends 2 tiles in front of it. (+1 tile at level 3 and level 6)
This fire does 30 damage per second. (50 at level 2 and +10 per level thereafter.)
Pyre Vine is immune to freezing. Pyre Vine will also defrost any nearby plants.
Being a vine, another non-vine plant can be placed inside and this plant will be kept nice and toasty warm - and also will be immune to freezing.

This plant is almost a must when dealing with the Frozen Tundra levels or freezing winds.

Like many of the plants of the Pepper-Mint family, this one is under-whelming. Being immune to freezing should be a given. The ability to melt ice should also be a given. Unfortunately, I've encountered several situations where Pyre Vine can not adequately melt frozen ice or defrost nearby plants.

As with many of the other vines, the damage done by the Vines is sub-par. That's to be expected from the Vine family of plants - you are really paying for the space savings of not taking up a tile.

Bottom Line:
The bottom line is that one is paying to make another plant immune to freezing. Even 75 Sun is too much for this ability, much less 125. Inferno costs more but will fully melt any ice in the fire tornado's path. Inferno's tornado also has a very nice knock-back ability which more than makes up for the increased Sun cost.

00:00 Difficulty 1 - Lightning Reed + Bonk Choy
03:41 Difficulty 2 - Dandelions + Tiger Grass - FAIL
07:40 Difficulty 3 - Pokra + Goo Peashooter - FAIL

Given Plant = Pyre Vine
Chosen Perk = Hypnotize Zombies / Shields /

Level 1 Objective - Remove five (5) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 10 Pyre Vine
Players start with 2,050 Sun.

Level 2 Objective - Remove seven (7) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 15 Pyre Vine
Players start with 1,850 Sun.

Level 3 Objective - Remove nine (9) health bars in three (3) minutes.
Reward is 20 Pyre Vine
Players start with 1,600 Sun.

I do not preview these levels before recording. As a result, there are weeks like this one. With Prye Vine as a given plant, one would think freezing winds and frozen blocks would be featured. They were not. Levels 1 and 2 have frequent Sun drops so a Sun Producer is not needed. So I didn't allocate a slot for a Sun producer for Level 3. Mistake.

I also try to showcase different strategies and plants. These play-throughs would not be fun if I did the same 3 strategies week in and week out.

So what strategy would work for level 3?
• Lightning Reed for the chickens
• Some Sun producer
• Bonk Choy or Pokra or some short range plant - at least until the big boys show up.
• Some main plant which can do heavy damage to the boss. This is heavily dependent on the player's available plants. Laser Bean would be a starting plant.

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