Dustin Holland, March 8, 2022

1 year ago

The 329th meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium held on Tuesday, March 8 2022 at 7pm EST. ONLINE PRESENTATION VIA ZOOM. For more information: https://nycomicssymposium.wordpress.com/

Dustin Holland on Slapstick Poetics – poetry, play and madness in comics.

In this talk, Dustin will explore the long-standing relationship between poetry and comics, and discuss the ways in which an understanding of poetic devices can enhance both the process of reading and making comics.

Starting with readings of Winsor McCay, Walt Kelly and Ernie Bushmiller before moving on to William S. Burroughs’ failed forrays into the comics medium and contemporary artists like Jim Woodring and Keren Katz in addition to his own work – Dustin will attempt to illustrate the numerous ways in which poetics have helped to push comics towards new and exciting directions.

Dustin Holland is a cartoonist living in Colorado. He is the former poetry editor of Kleft Jaw Press and Cheeseburger Nebula Galactic Press. Dustin writes about comics for Comic Book Resources. His work has appeared in Bubbles Fanzine, Meow Wolf’s Convergence Station News Stand and numerous self-published zines and comics, many of which can be found for sale on Wigshop Webshop and Domino Books. Visit his website: Gorchverse.com

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