Grow Up In Christ

2 years ago

It is time to Grow Up! Yes, these are perilous times where it is important to have that vital-vertical relationship with God. The Whisper of The Holy Spirit of God is still guiding us, navigating us in times such as these, and this is makes for less anxiety and more wise choices. YES, God is still here. He has not left the world! Maybe things are not going the way we have planned, I am sure that is more than a maybe in times such as these. So, what is our recourse as God continues doing things His way, and making us very uncomfortable?? Is it Whining??? Is it flesh out as we throw up our dark emotions of disappointment, doubt, and despair all over everyone? I hope not! We Need To Grow Up! I have heard enough whining from human beings to last me a life time. Yes, we definitely need to grow up! What does whining do? Absolutely nothing but pass on the contagion of hopelessness. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

God is still on the move, God is still speaking, God is still working for our good, there is no doubt about that. His time table may be a bit slower than ours, but His Promises stand faithful, and His truth endures. He is WHO He says He is, and we can take that to the bank! So, make that choice to stop looking in the rearview mirror and let’s walk forward. Yes, our culture is corrupting, but I am not losing sleep over it. I accept that we have tough times and harder times ahead, but the truth stabilizes me, the truth I know that God has not abdicated His power, or His authority and God is absolutely still in control! Yes, lots of challenges happening now, yet for every challenge I face, He will deliver me faithfully, and purposefully out of it.

God is truthful, God is faithful, so pick out a God Promise and step out on that firm footing every single day. Instead of rolling out of bed as a naysayer, let your first step out be down, bowed before God, letting God put Your Spiritual Armor on so you can be an encouragement instead of a “Debbie Downer”. We do have a Rescuer; He is working in the unseen for our good, and has a fantabulous endgame in mind. Yes, God is doing things His ways, and sometimes that is very uncomfortable for our flesh, YES, way outside our comfort zones, and the things He does STILL works out in amazing ways to our advantage, even if we can’t see it at first, it always ends well for us. Even in spite of our whining, kicking, screaming, and bucked up WILL, God, He STILL shows off His incredible power and wisdom for us, in ways we could not even begin to imagine He could.

God is simply-significantly amazing at taking our human messes and making something miraculously awesome out of them. Our human condition does not scare God! AweGOD 🙌 So, these are the days where maybe we decide to GROW UP, activate our faith, and stop whining, putting our trust wholly-holy in God, Who has been from generation to generation, a faithful and trustworthy God of Justice, Protection and Provision! More than ever in times such as this, it is really a good time for us to put away our childishness and grow up in our faith and trust of God. He’s got this, so we let be, be still and let God Work, prayerfully watching, waiting in endurance and seeing in the end, His greatness. The best position for us as we “grow through” is in followship of God.

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