[Q Post 263-302 Dec 5-7 2017]

1 year ago

["True Pundit story about FBI sexual abuse culture. Sexual abuse = blackmail = puppet strings = extort, make worse = further dragged into the Swamp
Extremely damning for FBI."
Narrative now shifting onto FBI corruption, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok. Handling of Flynn case. What if it's determined their bias determined their investigations into HRC? Dems? Hacking? What if payoffs/promotions proven? All their investigations are determined null and void - new, proper investigations take place?
Flynn tries to help fellow patriot Robyn Gritz, vetted by Navy, MI, and even Cuck Grassley, FBI then targets both Flynn and Gritz - publicly known but finally solid evidence and investigation able to lead to flushing out the FBI? Complete investigation into FBI - find all bad actors under guise of "sexual harassment" investigation? All their plans have come to naught and the law will be used against them.
Ventura Firestorm, houses burn inside out (scalar emf), same day (hour?) that Israel bombs Damascus. Coincidence? Aftermath of Santa Rosa fires: Nat Guard seals off area while Corp of Engineers bulldozes foundations! Hiding what?

Key = Adm Rogers / No Such Agency (Wizards & Warlocks)
NSA Data Center = information
US Military and POTUS = force
"Information + force
Or one has all the info NSA and Potus/Military protect it."
POTUS has the ability to use MIL tribunals.


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