[Q Posts 247- 262 December 4-5 2017]

2 years ago

[Friday, October 14, 2016
Compromised, controllable puppets are installed in key positions to: achieve the cabal's goals, cover up crimes, distract, attack threats to their operations, protect their cabal, programs/investments, ensure continuity, run psychological operations to misinform public. Bottom - Middle - Top
Compliant/compromised actors who pursue their agendas
They have no free will, they are controlled at the whim of others
With the strings, your hand: money, blackmail, threats

Answered in Questions 2108-2111: Bottom: Soros controlling organizations Middle: SA controlling politicians Top: Rothschilds controlling banks, therefore governments

Red Cross threatened by unauthorised Panama Papers link: ICRC head https://www.yahoo.com/news/red-cross-threatened-unauthorised-panama-papers-icrc-head-153440753.html https://archive.fo/WsasH
"The American Red Double Cross" http://rense.com/general28/ddosb.htm -Rockefeller -CIA -Skull & Bones -Depopulation -AIDS Ebola Etc.
When I was 12 I did a Red Cross fundraiser at my school for Kosovo. As a grown man it horrifies me.
CBTS General >>37334: Just in the German wiki: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SON OF SS NAZI DIRECTOR OF THE RED CROSS WAS PRESIDENT OF THE CIA.RED CROSS DIRECTOR DURING WW2: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Pomeroy_Davison
and his son
CIA DIRECTOR WITH CONN to SKULL AND BONES: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/F._Trubee_Davison
Red Cross revenue 2.52 billion. Headquartered in Washington D.C.. #21 of 100 largest U.S. charities (forbes).


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