GOP reps want to audit billions going to Ukraine - should they?

1 year ago

Tell us in the comments! Should the US audit and track the $103 billion taxpayer dollars being sent to Ukraine? Regardless if you support the war and US funds or not, making sure the government is accountable for the money sent makes logical sense.

President Biden has called for Congress to earmark another $37.7 billion in additional funding for Ukraine which would bring the total to around $103 billion.

The problem is that the US government has an atrocious record of tracking money and many times simply can't track it at all - leading to corruption on all sides of the coin. The War on Terror is a perfect example of this. So while the aid bills to date have had reporting requirements the government isn't trustworthy to track our money. After all, Congress has put us $31 trillion in debt and growing each day.

House Republicans introduced a privileged resolution to audit the funds allocated by Congress.

The resolution, which calls for preserving administration documents and communications related to Ukraine funding distribution, speaks to other criticisms among some Republican lawmakers who support aid to Ukraine but say more oversight is needed.

You can expect the public to increasingly ask more and more questions and demand accountability with so much money leaving the US and going to Ukraine.

#ukraine #russia #congress #biden #war #warzone #republican #democrats

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