3 Copywriting Tips

2 years ago

Can you give us a few tips and tricks on how we can step up our game of copywriting?

Absolutely. So the first thing I would do and this is actually my favorite
the part when I work with clients. The first thing I would do is tell you
to make sure you know what your words are. Your style is. Right? I'm talking about everything from you building a word bank, a word shed as it were. A place to store your words where you can go in there and look and make sure they're really your words. A great way to do that is either to work with someone who can help you do that to get those words have drawn those words out or, If you're trying to do this on your own, you can get a recording transcription type software. There are all kinds of free one's Otter AI, all kinds of stuff. You turn it on and you just start talking
and you talk in three ways about your business. Talk about not elevator pitch-wise. Talk about it like you're talking to your grandma or your mom because, you know, grandmas and moms never know what we're really doing. They're so proud of us, but they have no clue what we actually do.
Pretend you're talking to your mom or your grandma about your business.
Set a timer or do that for three minutes. Then pretend you're talking to your ideal client. That one ideal client that you've always wanted your dream client. Pretend you're talking to them about your business. Then pretend like you're talking to a complete stranger over coffee. You bump into them in line, at the coffee shop, you're both waiting for coffee, you start talking and they're like, well, what is it you do? Pretend like you're talking to them, then take all three of those. This is my favorite exercise.
It's all three of those sets of words. Go through them and find the consistent words that you use to describe your business. That's a great foundational place to start your word branding. So you get your word bank in order. That's a great way to start your copywriting. Every copywriter out there is going to give me the stink eye for saying this, but there is some decent AI software out there. If you are strapped and you just are not great at copy, this is a great place to start. Don't finish here. A great place to start is one of those AI copy generators. Just put in some ideas they'll spit some ideas out and then use that to tighten up what you're doing. Right? I think the third thing is minor. And again, there are so many other ways
that you can subtly change your copy, but the third thing would be to make sure you're consistent. I'll use y'all as an example. Someone started saying y'all and all of the mompreneurs on the Internet, got excited, and we're like, I can relate to that. So now everyone says y'all. If I said y'all, it would be so inauthentic, and then when people came into my space, I would never say y’all again, but I said it once in this Instagram post. People would come in here and there would be a disconnect, an automatic disconnect. They would be like, this is not what I signed up for. So make sure your copy
is getting people to yeses and nos. Right? Find your voice and use it. Don't change it because there are other words that are more popular out there.
I guess that would be the three things I would advise you on.

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