Is Automation Like an Employee?

2 years ago

Would you look at automation as a fake employee?

Oh, absolutely. And, you know, in some ways, automation is better in some ways because it doesn't ever take a sick day. It doesn't ask for a raise. And you can set it and forget it, so you don't have to, you do have to train it in a way. But once you set it up and you train the computer what you want to happen, it'll do it all day long, every day, three sixty-five. It doesn't get in moods. It doesn't leave the company either. Right? And so automation
in some ways is better because, again, it's going to work at 3 or 4 in the morning when everyone else is asleep. I definitely advocate for admin assistance and virtual assistance. And I, of course, advocate for automation
because they both serve perfectly in their roles.

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