Building a Survival Shelter in the Desolate Forest - Camp food from natural herbs

2 years ago

Today I built a quick shelter, ideal for summer, no nails, just combined with cables and knits. I woke up at night to loud wild noises while I was sleeping. My dog ​​never stops talking. I came across a dead mountain goat on a night hike.

Lumintop CL2 cordless hanging flashlight I had the opportunity to test the flashlight and it is a great product for area lighting. If you hang it over your tent or shelter, you will have unobtrusive, illuminating lighting everywhere.

I also passed my best cup of kuksa till date. one color choice color does not leak water. And the easy-to-reach design is great when you're in town, even on rough terrain.

Antarctic boiler:

Ancestor Cup:

Tuan Alam Liar

Berkemah musim dingin sendirian di hutan belantara, badai salju, tempat perlindungan kerajinan semak primitif, suara alam, keterampilan bertahan hidup, asmr, diy, off grill, memasak berkemah.

Video saya mencakup topik-topik seperti Bushcraft, berkemah musim dingin di hutan belantara, memancing, berlindung, di luar jaringan, kabin kayu, teknologi primitif, bertahan hidup di hutan belantara, dan keterampilan luar ruangan, lakukan sendiri, asmr. Peralatan lebat seperti kapak, pisau, gergaji, ransel, sistem pakaian, tempat berteduh dan peralatan memasak.

Saya harap Anda menyukai videonya
dan Anda akan sangat menikmati menonton!!!

Mr. Wild

Winter camping alone in wilderness, blizzard, primitive bushcraft shelter, nature sounds, survival skills, asmr, diy, off grill, camping cooking.

My videos cover topics like bushcraft, winter wilderness camping, fishing, shelter, off grid, log cabins, primitive technology, wilderness survival, and outdoor skills, do it yourself, asmr. Dense equipment such as axes, knives, saws, backpacks, clothing systems, shelters and cooking equipment.

I hope you like the video
and you will really enjoy watching!!!

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