How To Enter Monk Mode To CRUSH Any Goal

1 year ago

Have you tried monk mode before? If so, let me know your experience, if you haven't, let me know if you plan to go into one. Do you think you could do it for a year straight? 😎

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Have you tried monk mode before? If so, let me know your experience, if you haven't, let me know if you plan to go into one. Do you think you could do it for a year straight? I'm currently working on part 2 as the video just got too long I have a few other things to explain 😎

Monk mode is a period of enhanced focus, discipline, and productivity where you commit yourself to completing a goal. In monk mode, you take it upon yourself to adopt the isolation and self-discipline practices of monks. In modern times, being in a monk-like state has been made famous for self-improvement.

What is ‘monk mode’?

Monk mode is a term that was made popular by the online self-improvement community.

Monk mode is basically a time of increased discipline, focus, productivity, living with intent, and committing yourself to a goal.

Depending on your actual goals it can mean lots of things.

A lot of people who do monk mode challenges choose to abstain from something they consider a distraction or vice, like smoking, eating out, drinking alcohol, or watching TV.
Some people choose physical goals like being able to reach a new personal record on their squat or bench press, running a marathon, or finishing a challenging hike.
Other people choose intellectual goals such as reading a certain number of books or doing a certain amount of studying. Language challenges are another type of intellectual goal people choose to pursue.
Financial and business goals are also very popular for monk mode. Getting a new job, saving a certain amount of money, landing new clients, hitting a new sales goal, etc.
Spiritual goals such as sticking to a certain regimen of meditation or prayer. Completing a fast or reading more scripture are other spiritual goals people do.

Who invented monk mode?
The late 2000s idea of monk mode

Some say David Cain invented monk mode. He swears he didn't, but who cares. Monk mode is where you focus on a big goal for a sustained period of time with unusual intensity. The idea comes from monks

The state of being completely focused on and only on the training. In monk mode, there are no women, no alcohol, no fun, ONLY training.
The animal was going monk mode and therefore refused to be distracted, in any way, from his training.

A mental state that allows the individual to assume control over his or her mental well-being and eventually augment his value in an attempt to revamp his living conditions.
Every first week of every month I go into monk mode to elevate my consciousness.
by WhiteMustang03 February 2, 2020
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00:00 What Is Monk Mode
00:30 Rule Number 1
05:37 Rule Number 2
09:33 Rule Number 3
17:32 Rule Number 4
21:00 Good Luck With Your Monk Mode

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