12 Signs You're a Liar and Don't Even Know It

1 year ago

Here are 12 Signs You're a Liar and Don't Even Know It! Manipulative persons may be found in any connection, from family members to friends, coworkers at work, love partners, and so on. So, do you play games? Perhaps you've even been referred to as a master manipulator! You may believe you are a wonderful person, but what if you always appear to get your way because you are manipulating others?

When someone utilizes words or actions to affect another person's thinking or behavior, this is referred to as psychological and emotional manipulation. It typically entails influencing someone's feelings about something so that they will agree with or do something they would not ordinarily do. But how can you tell if you're a manipulator?

Look, we all have manipulative tendencies sometimes. But if you recognize these signs of manipulation tactics in yourself, such as gaslighting or guilt tripping, and if they interfere with your relationships, it's time to stop and reflect.

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