Hobbs and Festerman 11-17-22

1 year ago

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Alex McFarland and Alex McFarland Ministries are proud to announce its new Viral Truth Campus Clubs, unique gatherings designed to equip Christian youth with the tools they might need to go out into their schools and share the Good News to other teens who may not know the Gospel.

This segment is brought to you by www.crimesagainsttyranny.com Producer Lawrence Stanton joins the show

This segment is brought to you by www.freedomfoundation.com Ashley Varner and Charli Brown - Teachers’ Union Leaders Don’t Even Bother to Lie Anymore About Their Real Agenda https://redstate.com/freedom-foundation/2022/11/16/teachers-union-leaders-dont-even-bother-to-lie-anymore-about-their-real-agenda-n659359

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