Arunka may be a little disappointing. But... - Epic Seven GuildWar PacksToWin Vs. Harmonious

2 years ago

PacksToWin Vs. Harmonious

LucentAzure Vs. AstorAttano
00:00 Krau, Zahhak, Sinful Angelica Vs. Mercedes, Rimuru, Yulha
01:22 Roana, Arunka, Shadow Knight Pyllis Vs. Unbound Knight Arowell, Choux, Senya

LucentAzure Vs. XxKonejuxX
06:04 Researcher Carrot, Politis, Mediator Kawerik Vs. Senya, Conqueror Lilias, Kayron
07:14 Roana, Arunka, Shadow Knight Pyllis Vs. Fallen Cecilia, Choux, Mercedes

LucentAzure Vs. Deatherx
10:35 Sylvan Sage Vivian, Zahhak, Sinful Angelica Vs. Apocalypse Ravi, Belian, Conqueror Lilias
11:58 Hwayoung, Mascot Hazel, Adventurer Ras Vs. Fallen Cecilia, Rimuru, Mercedes

15:38 Stats

Music Used in order of appearance:
014. Between Heaven and Earth [Inferno] – Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Soundtrack OST
09 ~ Blue Skies and a Battle Between Heaven and Earth - Fire Emblem Premium Arrange II
Zulia Login Theme Garena Blade & Soul
Blazblue Continuum Shift OST - Sword Of Doom
Purple Planet Music - Chill Factor (2_06) 80bpm

#EpicSeven #E7 #Guildwar #Smilegate #SuperCreative

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