MHRA: worst board meeting yet—insensitive, offensive, dangerous - UK Column News

1 year ago

- Debi Evans introduces 15 November board meeting: exclusive full footage will be up on soon
- MHRA board meeting ignores questions from several Covid vaccine-injured online attenders about safety and serious adverse reactions
- “Are you realising the public are watching you?"
- Unanswered question by Covid vaccine victim Charlet Crichton
- Adam Rowland's unanswered questions
- Clip: MHRA says it is difficult to present safety data to the public
- Mike Robinson comment: This is sales patter
- "Champagne on ice"—second clip from board meeting showcases the frivolity of MHRA Chief Technology Officer Claire Harrison
- Wayne Cunnington’s blog on Substack about the whole MHRA board meeting bursting into laughter at a patient safety question 
- Account of 15 November MHRA board meeting by Wayne Cunnington
- Wayne Cunnington’s past article for UK Column
- Tweets from the public show extent of rage against the MHRA
- Portugal revising its constitution to allow medical martial law ("prophylactic detention") in Article 27.3; professor of Lisbon Law School is concerned—"Patience has its limits, and so does the Constitution"
- Article in English on the same issue, revealing that even the dissident parliamentarians agree that there should be a provision for medical martial law

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