Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 120: Wolverine: Origins & Endings

2 years ago

To Provide Tips to the channel:

On Today's lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, I'm joined by @Nerdygirlcreates as we go over Wolverine: Origins and Endings which sets up stuff for the Wolverine: Origins series. After House of M, Wolverine got all his memories back...but he still needs to make sense of them.

Left shaken at ground zero after the cataclysmic events of House of M, Logan has no choice but to soldier on, as he done so many times before - but has the burden now become too great? In his lifetime, Logan has been both a hero and a villain, a player and a pawn... but what is he now? Don't miss out on the beginning of an epic more than a century in the making

#marvel #wolverine #danielway

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