Canada provides Trudeau's private narcissistic supply

1 year ago

The complexity of human behaviour has always fascinated me. Of all behaviours that I find most remarkable is the belief that the answers needed to address multivariate complex problems can be found without ever having used problem-solving methodology. Sadly, we have an elite class of politicians and bureaucrats who believe in an ideology that provides them with blanket simplistic solutions that in practice result in creating ancillary problems worse than the issues they needed to solve. They have become living examples of those who see every problem as a nail which needs pounding and that therefore a hammer is the only proper tool to be used. That hammer of course invariably involves the state exercising more control over society accompanied by higher taxation. Moreover, this “solution” invariably fails to address the very problems they set about to resolve. Since I cannot assume that our leaders are stupid, although I cannot rule out that possibility either, there must be another reason they so blindly assign failing policies to issues without being able to show beneficial outcomes. Having observed the complete failure of COVID mandates and lockdowns, the loss of employment to many who refused to comply with the mandates, the closure of small businesses on an unprecedented scale, the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity over the past few years, failed climate initiatives accompanied by growing concern over the hidden damages being caused by pursuing so called green energy resulting in the coldest fall and coming winter in Europe in living memory replete with a war on fertilizer which are causing food shortages, and the recent revelation that Canada has eleven sitting Liberal MP’s whose campaigns were paid for by the CCP, with the last statement revealing the likely source of the idea pathogens behind all the policy failures which I have listed.

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