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🔬#MESExperiments 23: Added Weight Doesn’t Always Make Gyroscopes Rise Faster #Nuance

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 23 I expand further upon the previous Experiments 21 and 22 regarding the monumental discovery of gyros rising faster with added weight by showing that this is not necessarily always the case; thus demonstrating the need for nuance in all of life. I demonstrate this by comparing the rising rates of another gyroscope with 4 weight conditions: No weight added, 10%, 16%, and 21% weight added (relative to the weight of the gyroscope). For this specific gyroscope, the lower the weight added the faster the rising. In fact, the 21% weighted gyro didn’t even rise fully, which is in stark contrast to Experiment 21 which had a gyro rise almost 3X faster with 30% added weight! Thus more study and experimentation is required to fine tune our understanding of gyroscopes' (and spinning tops') novel rising ability.

The original unedited experiments are shown in the links below:

- No weight added: https://youtu.be/ZIsxmV1GO48
- 10% weight added: https://youtu.be/7DyXfRO1gfg
- 16% weight added: https://youtu.be/0cDhKmR2MXg
- 21% weight added: https://youtu.be/Ukx7zH3Hqpk

The weight measurements are listed and shown in the video below:

- https://youtu.be/iqjFcASMGg4
- Precision gyroscope: 148.66
- Precision gyroscope with stem: 150.67 g
- 10% weight: 14.45 g
- 16% weight: 23.78 g
- 21% weight: 30.82 g

The full experiment results, graphs, tables, and screenshots of the experiment progression are shown on Hive: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-23-added-weight-doesn-t-always-make-gyroscopes-rise-faster-nuance

Note that the rising times for all the tests are similar and with decreasing rising rate with increasing added weight. Also note the sleeping time and overall balancing time before fall are higher as the weight decreases. Also interesting is how the rising rate tends to increase as the gyro rises; which is also discussed in the experiment results on Hive.

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 24…

Related Videos:

🔬#MESExperiments 22: Added Weight Can Make a Gyroscope Rise Faster (No Casing Rotation): https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-22-added-weight-can-make-a-gyroscope-rise-faster-no-casing-rotation

🔬#MESExperiments 21: Added Weight Can Make a Gyroscope Rise Faster #Magic: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-21-added-weight-can-make-a-gyroscope-rise-faster-magic

🔬#MESExperiments 11: Increasing Gyroscope Spin Speed Doesn't Necessarily Increase Rising Rate: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-11-increasing-gyroscope-spin-speed-doesn-t-necessarily-increase-rising-rate

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