How To Tell if Wild American Persimmons are Ripe

1 year ago

How To Tell When A Persimmon Is Ripe

Once Autumn is approaching, there are certain fruits that start to ripen that we associate with fall. Apples and Pears are two of the ones of the most common. Here in the South, there are two more that we look for, Muscadine grapes and Persimmons. In this post, we are going to cover Persimmons but more specifically how to tell if a Persimmon is ripe.

What Is a Persimmon Tree?

There are many varieties of Persimmon trees but the one we are focusing on is the American Persimmon tree which is native to the Southern United States. This tree is also called a common persimmon and the scientific name is diospyros virginiana.

These trees are grown in other parts of the US and the world, but they are naturally native to the Southeast.

The American Persimmon tree can grow upwards of sixty feet tall. The wood itself is used in furniture and at one time was what golf driver heads were made from before they switched to metal heads.

The fruit itself has a sweet flesh when they are at its peak ripeness. The taste can remind you of cantaloupe with hints of honey flavor.

Join us as we talk about how to tell if a persimmon is ripe.

Here is the article referenced in the video

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