Discover the Secrets to Reversing Chronic Disease, Pain & Ageing

1 year ago

write to Susanne at

Discover 20 Little Known Facts and a 4 step-system to reverse chronic disease and ageing in the comfort of your own home.

This Masterclass is for people who:

- Believe that healthcare is proper self-care
- Would like to be autonomous & learn the skills to be in control of their own health
- Want to optimise their health and live without age related diseases
- Like the idea of fast & effective natural healing
- Would like to reduce or come off medications
- Are open to learning new things
- Would love to work with high-tech space-technology
- Believe in nutrient-rich diets, but are confused by the information on the web
- Are ready to invest in their health financially and time-wise
- Are recreative or professional athletes
- Are already in the healthcare profession such as healers, nurses, physios, osteopaths, health coaches, fitness trainers etc

In addition, participants would have one or several of following symptoms:

- Feeling run down
- Chronic pain, joint pain, headaches & migraines
- Digestive issues (bloating, noise, wind etc)
- Sugar cravings
- Overweight or easily gain weight (not a healthy BMI)
- Food intolerances & allergies
- Excema & other skin issues
- Brain fog
- Anxious or mildly depressed
- Swelling of limbs
- High blood pressure & high cholesterol, Artherosclerosis, Osteoporosis and High Sugar Levels or Diabetes 2
- Or certain auto-immune conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Fibromylagia, Chron’s, Diverticulitis or MS

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