Future Tech | Blockchain & Digital Transformation | Future Technologies Meet Artificial Intelligence

2 years ago

You guys like financial growth, do you? What about Economic Growth (sounds like the same thing, does it)? GDP Growth (meh)? What about some Economic Predictions? Yea… you don’t really want any of that do you… BORING.

Here at WarriorCast we Pursue Truth in Emergent Tech Intersecting with “The System.” We Meet with High-Integrity Industry Leaders, Drill Them a Bit (with Love), & Then Go Ahead & For You, the People, To Extract The Nerd Out of Tech & Shove Awesomeness into Your BRAIN-HOLES.

No need to thank us (but we won’t stop you). On second thought, scratch that. Absolutely do thank us by liking, commenting, sharing, and all the other good stuff you do for the people you love

WarriorCast is proud to present another industry leader in Emergent Tech, Sir Daniel Sloan, Co-founder & CIO of Future Tech, Builder of Smart Cities, & Man of Very Little Free Time… so show Sir Daniel some love for goodness sakes (Twitter @blockchainpros).

The Wait is now over!

We now proudly present to you the full cast! Feel free to absorb Daniel’s full charm and Mike’s vision on how CWF & Partners (TBA) intend to solve a chunk of our world’s problems in the months ahead… perhaps decades but tomato tomato (doesn’t sound right in text, that expression, now does it)?

Once we've all Kubaya'ed Millennia-old human-nature driven conflict, then perhaps we’ll grab a 2 fingers of whiskey and relax.

We’ll see… the relax bit sounds terribly boring, quite frankly. So... no promises.

Brief Bio of Sir Daniel Sloan
This brilliant former marine (once a marine, always a marine, but whatever) started in Information Technology back in 1995 and has since built multiple successful businesses (and a smart city or two) during his 25-year (and growing) career. Daniel is Co-Founder, CIO, & the Blockchain & AI Product Manager at Future Tech.

Perhaps most importantly, he's CWF's newest buddy! (we have excellent taste... just sayin')

Future Tech is a company that provides blockchain, AI and machine learning solutions. In short, bleeding edge tech that is already reshaping how we as individuals, organizations, and yes, nation-states, interact with one another. In short... open ledger technology will provide the people with the means whereby they may begin to regain faith in our bedrock institutions and some of our, charitably put, wavering private sector actors.

Daniel has extensive experience in all areas of Web3 software development with a core focus & expertise in Web2 to Web3 digital transformation. He has a deep understanding of NFT’s (of the great, the good, the whatever, and the baloney variety), Digital Marketing, The Metaverse (both Ying & Yang), Asset Tokenization, & in effect, has honed on the essential spice that makes it all delicious... Gamification, baby!

As a widely recognized and values-driven industry leader in blockchain/ cryptocurrency, Daniel was one of a select few entrepreneurs who was invited to NASDAQ to speak about blockchain in early 2018. As a technical partner, Future Tech is helping companies holistically approach each opportunity with clear outcomes & to grasp a clear understanding of the landscape of the future to help them begin to make well-informed decisions. Data-driven outcomes as opposed to ideological pandering... a natural partner in the making of CWF. Can we get an amen?!

WarriorCast is here to educate the public on tech trends so that the individual can stay one step ahead of getting mushed by the lieks of:
- Web2
- The Corporate Press
- Fortune 500’s bound by the nefarious false virtues of ESG compliance
- Supranational Authoritative bodies who quite frankly don’t like you one bit (they like everyone else… just not you for whatever reason).

It's time for a Truly decentralized & democratized Web3 to take flip our inverted world right-side up. This will be done... & stick with us for a front row seat.

Right alongside our older brother (& slightly better looking) affiliate Citizen Warrior Foundation, we will make sure to flush THE VILLAINS out of emergent tech, with our initial focus on CeFi (if you don’t know… no worries… it’s this whole thing & you'll know soon enough). #Celsius

We, along with CWF & their partners, are quickly becoming Emergent Tech’s Digital Shield… & just in time to this *sh for the tech-driven flood ahead.

Citizen Warrior Essentials
1. All Important WarriorCast Links: www.linktr.ee/warriorcast/
2. Everything Awesome in 1 single Link: https://linktr.ee/citizenwarrior
3. Our Brother Foundation, without which we would be simple pleb bots on Crypto Twitter - www.CitizenWarrior.Foundation

Sub & SMASH the Notifications. We’ll Wait… OK, go ahead (thank you).

AND now…


- Mike Benz
Leader of CWF
Host of WarriorCast
Doesn't Skip Leg Day

#whatismachinelearning #artificialintelligence #blockchain #digitaltransformation #futuretech #leadership #blockchain #blockchainsolution #futureblockchaintech #bitcoin #futureinnovation

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