2 years ago

For the new world order's nefarious plans to be fully realized (Massive Depopulation and Total Enslavement-Neo Feudalistic Serfdom of the remaining masses of humanity) for this to be accomplished ALL the peons of the world need to be disarmed, have their guns taken from them by their government. Once fully disarmed they can then be treated in any manner (forced medical practices and vaccines, microchipping, social credit score, unopposed depopulation, fascist technocracy communistic government like China) this is why our deep state manipulates and stages mass shootings that we see in their controlled media, to dupe the most gullible of proles into complying with their own enslavement, cheering the government on as they are rendered defenseless. This is the subject of the latest song by the wretched globalist trio "Guns R' Atrocious"

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