House Of Clay

1 year ago

Hello my friends. This video features a song from my 14th CD, "On The Road To Seventy", that was recorded in 2018. "House Of Clay" is based on the Biblical account of where we came from, and what happens to us when we die. A stark reality that has proven to be true time and time again. The good news for those who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, is that those who die and sleep in Christ, will someday be resurrected to eternal life, and be given new bodies that will never grow old or experience decay again.

If you would like to download this song and copy the lyrics for free, please visit my new website at

If you are blessed by what you see and hear, please sign my Guest Book located on the bottom of the Bio page, and please share my site with others.

I pray that those who watch this video, will be inspired by this blessed hope that is only found in Jesus Christ. Shalom my friends, thanks for watching.

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