Why falling down after 65 years old is so scary #shorts

2 years ago

Why falling down after 65 years old is so scary

Do you ever stumble or lose your balance?

Do you fear that you may fall and physically hurt yourself?

If so, your fear is 100% justified and here’s why:

➡️Every 11 seconds, someone over 60 in this country falls, which results in a trip to the emergency room.

➡️Every 19 minutes somebody dies as a result of their fall - That’s 28,000 deaths each year from trips and falls

➡️And, that’s not the only researched data on how a slip or fall can SIGNIFICANTLY affect your life! If you don’t believe me just click here to read more of the reasons why you are justified in your fears of falling.

Now tell me this, have you ever heard or even been told any of these 3 biggest mistakes or lies that actually may be putting you more at risk of falling?!

1. Stability balls and Bosu balls help improve your balance.

2. The shoes on your feet or wear everyday helps with stability and balance.

3. Your age is the reason why you are more prone to falling and instability.

If you’ve been told any of these, then please, STOP what you are doing…

Click here and learn more about how you can start improving your balance with just a 10-Second sweat proof ritual ⬇️


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