Perfect Pitch: can it be learned, why is it valuable?

1 year ago

Absolute pitch is a topic I happen to know a lot about from years of hyper-focusing on it when I wanted to be a musician. This clip goes into really offensive detail about why we evolved to have perfect pitch, demonstrating that language is dependent on absolute tones, not just timbre or relative pitch to convey meaning.

I'm not sure who would benefit from this type of video. It is a very weird way to present information on a subject, but some parts of it are based in reality. Can you develop perfect pitch as an adult? Yes, it's just not easy because there's no systematic way to fully develop it. You can certainly achieve it to some extent systematically using's program. But the course ends before teaching you how to fully develop it, which I found disappointing.

From episode 49 of The Tim Weichselbaum Show.

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