Yoga Tummy Strength and Balance @A Bit of Yoga

1 year ago

Yoga Tummy Strength and Balance helps you to build tummy strength and improve your balance.

You can keep this easy, by keeping your foot on the floor and keeping your upper body high.

This is a long video of Yoga Tummy Strength and Balance, so listen to your body and if you need to stop before I do, then do. When you stop, keep moving, by doing the releasing, slow, strong circling of the hips, wrists and shoulders. Join-in again, when you’re ready.

Be sure that you are physically able to exercise before doing any A Bit of Yoga video. Speak to your medical professional, if you have any issue which may need discussing with a medical professional, before exercising.

Listen to your body before and while you’re doing exercises from A Bit of Yoga. Always work in your comfort-zone. Stretching and strengthening are gradual processes. As weeks and months go by, while you’re exercising with A Bit of Yoga, you should get stronger, more supple and improve your balance and posture. You must always listen to your body and work in your comfort-zone.

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