Weaponizing Covid to Advance Collectivism

2 years ago

With the passage of time, the data has become overwhelming that the so-called Covid Pandemic was a man-made phenomenon. It was basically a weaponized version of the Flu, that eventually would serve as a plausible excuse to require everyone in the world to accept endless so-called vaccinations. This was the real goal all along. The purpose of the shots has nothing to do with preventing infection or transmission of Covid. They were designed to reduce the human population, to begin the process of transhumanization of our species, to provide an excuse for the elimination of human rights, and to make obscene amounts of money for governments and pharmaceutical companies. This excellent analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher goes even deeper. She explains how this process depends on the elimination of all traces of individualism, which is to be replaced by collectivism, in which the individual is systematically sacrificed for the supposed good of the greater number. 2022 Nov 15 - Source: https://www.mercola.com

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