Running for office as an immigrant

1 year ago

Inspired by the recent mid-term elections, Ismaine and Robin discuss the challenges of running for office and the failure of most current American federal politicians to attract the approval of their voters. They discuss the MAGA movement and whether it represents anything of value distinct from the two-party establishments.

Robin explains the political opportunity that remains open as a result of the disaffection of the majority of Americans regarding political tribalism and polarization. He suspects that a leader who speaks to that disaffection without the narcissism associated with recent anti-establishment political leaders could help change the tone and substance of American politics. Such a leader will attract the positive attention of voters by calling out extreme policy positions that most Americans regard as against common-sense and their basic rights.

Part of Ismaine’s American dream is to run for office and he asks Robin what it will take for him to overcome his own tendencies to tribal communication and thereby to win over voters with a different political identity from his own. In response, Robin shares some powerful fundamentals of political psychology and communication.

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