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Stolen Elections Have Consequences

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They say "elections have consequences." This is true. But when elections are stolen, there needs to be much worse consequences for those who stole it. Unfortunately, the theft of the 2022 election appears to be headed in the same direction as the stolen 2020 election. We will continue to fight to get the truth out, to hold people accountable, and to reverse the results of the many stolen elections this cycle, but I'm not exactly hopeful. Unless God intervenes, I'd put our chances of changing any election at about 5%.

We're still trying. We had some good news the last couple of days with many people reaching out following my interview with Leo Donofrio. Arizona is a hotbed for some of the worst voter fraud that took place this election and the pathway he described might be the best one I've heard so far. Various candidate representatives have reached out, as well as independent attorneys and concerned citizens. I'll update on that front as soon as more information is known.

We can point at Democrats, election officials, RINOs, and foreign players and try to bring about the appropriate consequences, but one of the things I am going to focus on is holding conservative and alternative media accountable. There are far too many who are trying to blame the failed red tsunami on anything OTHER THAN massive, widespread voter fraud. This is unacceptable. I'm not just talking about Fox News or Newsmax. I'm referring to other small, medium, and large conservative outlets and individual journalists who are either in denial (doubtful), being bullied (probable), or getting otherwise coerced (possible) into blaming this on abortion, MAGA, student debt relief, or any other reason.

The elections were stolen. Period. I'll keep hammering that point home even if it gets me canceled even more than I've already been thus far.

The reason many of the heroes of conservative media are unwilling to say the elections we stolen is because doing so can get them blacklisted by the Big Tech platforms they're beholden to for popularity or profit. Anyone who has a popular YouTube channel, radio show, Facebook page, or who relies on Google ads or Facebook traffic has been told to NOT say "stolen elections." They cannot call out massive, widespread voter fraud as the singular cause of the feeble red droplet that replaced the red tsunami.

On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into why and how conservative media outlets are ignoring the truth. They're gaslighting us for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is that many are in bed with the Republican Establishment. People like Mitch McConnell and his cronies did not want a red tsunami unless they had fellow RINOs as the winning candidates. They wanted the status quo of the Uniparty Swamp and that means more of what we've been seeing the last two years.

I also spoke to Ira Bershatsky, Our Gold Guy, about what all this means for the future of the economy.

I concluded by explaining why I am accelerating Discern.tv. The intention was to launch it on Roku and other television platforms early next year. That intention was based on my naïve assumption that there would be a significant red wave if not a full-blown red tsunami. Now that we are sitting in a red puddle and watching most in conservative media already changing the subject to 2024, I'm moving up my timeline to this week or next for launch. It won't be on the television networks, but the site is necessary to get the ball rolling for disseminating the truth.

We're at war. Or to be more accurate, the powers-that-be are at war with us. Until conservative influencers acknowledge this, we'll keep bringing pebbles to a nuclear battle. The powers-that-be are playing for keeps while most in conservative media are playing for pageviews and profits.


  • 0/2000
  • i agree with 150% ive been saying the same thing. if all the illegal votes were removed their was a red wave. Florida got rid of most of the voter fraud

  • They stole everywhere. Just like 2020

  • The fraud stood out like a sore thumb so it didn't go unnoticed ... that's a positive result ... 👍

  • so sick of this

  • Kari Lake was the best candidate I have seen in my lifetime. She worked from 6am to midnight - up to 5 events per day - for 522 days. Katie Hobbs? She did the ‘basement Biden’ routine - I mean why bother - she knew the fix was in. The problem we have is that the Maricopa County’s sheriff is S*oros paid for demon👺crap - and the GOP in charge of recorder’s office started an anti-Trump PAC - along with the whole group of Maricopa County Board of Supervisors! Kari & Company we’re fighting the Dems & McCainite never Trumpers - a double whammy.😡


  • Fox News is the worst about not covering this.

  • Bravo Dude. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. Going forward you will receive the lions share of my Rumble viewing. I'm glad I found U.

  • JD I feel the same way and I refuse to listen to anyone who is side stepping the election fraud. Kari Lake won all the counties in the primary and lost to the sleeze bag in Arizona. If conservatives don't speak up people will stop voting.

  • There are people that want change But are in willing to be the 1st to implement it they wait for someone else or something else To have to happen before they make a move Maybe it's feared maybe it's coveredness I don't know Maybe it's all right, I would rather die

  • I'm not surprised and the same thing happens in 2024l ! It's unfair even if ppl can prove it the evidence disappears ? It's a big mess !

  • And? We already know it was stolen and we knew it would happen. Why? Because nothing was done about it when GOP had the majority. No one did anything, no Cruz, not mtg, not Jordan. Here we are again, at what point do people get sick of being screwed?

  • Re election in AZ on 12/6/22. Just curious to see if we get the same results? If it’s the direct opposite results, there should be many bad actors and participants arrested and charged for their crimes. Praying this happens and all evil activities in AZ is exposed to the public!

  • Gop has stood by since 2020 and done nothing, This time, they aren’t even talking about fraud. Notice even Trump in his announcement, he distanced himself from saying they cheated. This is concerning. Either we are being lied to, that there us no fraud, or they have given up on proving it. In which case why would Trump run? Isn’t that a waste of his time and money if they are just going to steal it again? Why even bother voting? We knew it was going to happen, and we sat there and watched it. Not a single person is going to do a thing about it either.

    1 like
  • Yes JD Kari is Fighting this!

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