A Lot of Wind – Being Dad with Phil Lower, November 16, 2022

1 year ago

Light, sound, liquids, and air move in waves. The closer you are to the source, the shorter the distance between the waves and the greater force they hit you with. That’s also how you know when you re getting closer to the breaking point of a situation.

I am acutely aware of shifts in the barometer between high and low fronts. When a storm is forming even 100 miles away I can start to feel the pain in my nerves.

Right now, we are in an information war between forces that want to stir up our emotions. The desire is to create confusion and then present their point of view as the solution.

The more confusion and chaos you encounter, the greater peace and calm you must present in the face of the storm.

Many times a week, I will put a little wine in a glass, take a small portion of bread, say a prayer for wisdom, and take Communion privately in my home. I especially do this when I am looking for wisdom or insight into how to handle something.

I don’t care what it is that I’m dealing with. I will usually find something that I am grateful for and then the next step will come to me as I stay still and listen through the wind and chaos.

Elijah heard a still small voice and that is how he knew when God was present. When he quieted his mind, he heard clearly.

Thoughts from 1 Kings 19:1-14

Email me at info@dqotd.com

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