The Catch - November 10th, 2022

1 year ago

FABULOUS analysis of how the 2022 midterms were stolen with the analysis of the theft using ERIC, which you can find on my blog at I was severely disappointed by Trump's announcement, where he should have come out with all-guns-firing over the theft of the election and savagely attacked the Democrats, where even James Carvell has (implicity) acknowledged that they stole 57 House seats from the GOP. He should also have apologized for "Warp Speed" and denounced the vax and the pandemic. This is a wimp version of the real guy. He lost my confidence last night, especially by saying that the public had not "caught on" to the damage Biden and the Democrats are doing to the nation. THE PUBLIC KNOWS AND VOTED OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST THEM AND FOR THE GOP. That he doesn't seem to know or was not willing to make the case has caused me to reconsider whether he will be our strongest champion moving forward.

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