Hussechuck & Shield A design fire extinguisher to transform into a Superhero

2 years ago

In order to optimize and offer new firefighting solutions, the Czech designer Premysl Kokes has completely redesigned the design of a fire extinguisher to also make it a shield against flames.

The design of this unusual fire extinguisher called “Amplla Hussechuck” came to him after having lived a traumatic experience himself in 2017. While working in the ruins of the old castle of Lichtenstein near Lanškroun in Czechia, he was is taken by surprise by the flames and survives with the help of a fire extinguisher which he barely managed to find in the burned building.

Since that day, he has made it a point of honor to reinvent the fire-fighting systems of the buildings on which he works so that the extinguishers are on the one hand visible from afar and on the other hand easy to access. For this, the designer completely reinvented the ordinary look of fire extinguishers that he found aging.

However, the creator of the Amplla Hussechuck has designed two different shield coverings: the first has only the nozzle opening while the second is equipped with a flashlight and an acoustic alarm to help rescuers to locate the trapped person.

Shield extinguishers are marketed on the site’s online store at prices ranging from €575 for the classic version to €777 for the optimized and customizable version. An initiative that reminds us significantly of this tip that can transform any bottle into a fire extinguisher.

Its revamp thus offers an attractive and modern design that can adapt to all interiors while being easy to carry. In addition, the fire extinguisher sports a round shape similar to a steering wheel to be supported by a single arm like a shield.

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