1 year ago

A missile exploded in Poland yesterday, with speculation that it came from Russia leading to an emergency G7 meeting that could have ended with Article 5 and nuclear war. NATO and Russia need to avoid going to war, and if Ukraine and Russia can't have peace talks then this war will continue ramping up until we see the annihilation of the human species. Peace talks are the most important thing, and we cannot politicize putting this war to an end. If accidents continue to happen like this then eventually someone will hit the button and a nuke will be launched, ending the world as we know it. Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, does not want to have peace talks and has previously said that the US should launch nukes at Russia to prevent them from launching nukes at Ukraine. Zelensky does not want to have peace talks with Putin and the United States must not follow them into a nuclear Holocaust. The future of humanity is at stake, and we need to look at the situation with rational heads or we will suffer the consequences of our arrogance and die in a lake of fire.

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