Swiss Cardiologist says he was forced into a mental hospital for speaking out about Covid

1 year ago

Swiss Cardiologist Dr Thomas Binder says he was forced into a mental hospital for speaking out about Covid measures. He was forced to take a psychiatric medicine as he must be "manic" to not believe the narrative.

He was one of the 22 international experts that wrote a review finding 10 “major flaws” in the main protocol for the PCR tests. (( International Consortium of Scientists in Life Sciences (ICSLS) | ))

The report systematically dismantles the original study - called "the Corman-Drosten paper", which described a protocol for applying the PCR technique for detecting Covid.

(The Corman-Drosten paper brought the world into totalitarianism, as it's the paper that says SARS-CoV-2 can be detected with PCR)

It was published on January, 23, 2020, just a day after being submitted, which would make any peer review process that took place possibly the shortest in history.

What is important about it is that the protocol it describes is used in around 70 percent of Covid kits worldwide. It’s cheap, fast – and absolutely useless, with up to 90% false positives.

The 22 members of the consortium that challenged this shoddy science that locked-down and fooled the world, contained scientists from Europe, the USA, and Japan, and comprised senior molecular geneticists, biochemists, immunologists, and microbiologists, with many decades of experience between them.


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