The line is not a line - the real problem with NFTs

2 years ago

I spent last week debating whether to make this film and how to even go about making it. Canadian YouTuber Dan Olson released a 2hour marathon video essay entitled Line goes Up - the Problem with NFTs which to date has racked up nearly 3.5m views. But this is no hot take. It’s methodical, deeply researched, excellently delivered and astute. The knee jerk reaction from many in this space has been to cry foul and race to point out exactly why Dan’s wrong, the exceptions, everything he doesn’t know. To defend by attacking. I wish it was that easy. The truth is, if I were a sceptic this is exactly the film I would hope to have made. Outside of NFTs and crypto I suspect Dan and I are actually kindred spirits. His channel is about Deconstructing the craft of visual narrative. He breaks down the art of narrative communication in pop culture. And he’s really good at it. The uncomfortable truth is that in over 2 hours of watching I found almost nothing that wasn’t a reasonable take. I’m probably one of the best qualified people in this space to make a long rebuttal video, painstakingly excavating the caveats to all the points he raises. But that would suggest that this film should be discredited and rapidly dismissed. Which would be a discredit to Dan. In fact the opposite is true. His film holds an uncomfortable mirror up to this space and demands we scrutinise every last wrinkle. One of the many critiques he levels at this community is a catastrophic inability to stomach any form of criticism. And he’s right. There’s zero point living in denial. If we recognise the flaws then there’s a small chance, however remote, that we might actually be able to do something about them.

Give Dan's film a watch. It's an excellent piece of work.
Dan's Twitter:

And a response by one of the rational voices in NFTs
Loopify's Twitter:

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