Sowing in Famine – The Power of Partnership & Kingdom Economics

1 year ago

Thank you partners and financial supporters of this ministry. Your timely generosity makes it possible for Fiona and I and the family to travel and carry revival and the message of true freedom to this nation. We are constantly praising God for you and praying and believing that you will partake of our Heavenly rewards, as you help meet our earthly needs.

We’re so grateful for our brothers and sisters in Christ who understand how Kingdom economics works and who understand the power of ministry partnership. It has been our great delight over decades to release others into ministry, through our financial giving, and to see those with a Heavenly commission go higher and further for His glory. We continue to be radical in our giving today, even as we receive from generous believers in support of our mission.

It would be unspiritual to wish for financial independence in ministry, so as to not be a 'burden' on anyone. This mindset is rooted in pride and dismisses the very real way God blesses those who support His ministers. God has not ordained for his ministers to be independent, but rather to partner with others and together share in the blessings. Elijah may have desired financial independence or a wealthy business benefactor but instead the LORD ordained a poor widow to partner with him in his mission. By receiving him as a prophet and providing for his material needs, the widow of Zarephath partook of the anointing on his life and reaped miraculous provision.

Freedom Has A Voice (ABN: 38 744 995 886) was set up as a ministry (non-DGR) on 10 March 2022. An accountant (and pastor) offered to set us up with a "basket" to collect offerings towards the work. You can partner with us and sow into this ministry via Donorbox or directly to our ministry bank account. Please prayerfully consider monthly support. We have a work to do and you can help release us to that work.


Name: Freedom Has A Voice
BSB: 084034
A/c No: 462594763

Speaking specifically about the financial support of ministers, the apostle Paul states, “If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?” (1 Cor 9:11). Further, he wrote: “Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the Word must share in all good things with his instructor.” (Gal 6:6) This is spiritual truth that Fiona and I have walked in our entire Christian lives. Not only is there a blessing in ministry partnership, the Word exhorts us to materially support those from whom we receive spiritually.

It was the apostle Paul who likened money to seed and giving to sowing. I encourage you to read 2 Corinthians 9 in its entirety. In this chapter Paul teaches on “cheerful giving,” “bountiful reaping” and the multiplication of “seed for sowing.” Far from being a burden, it is a blessing to find good soil in which to sow seed. As we sow in good soil, we reap a bountiful harvest and receive more seed for sowing, regardless of worldly economic conditions. This is how Kingdom economics works and it’s a delight to participate.

God bless you in your giving and sowing, whether it's into this ministry or into other good soil. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt 6:21

Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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