The Dance of Mother Earth. Cycles of Time & Cycles of Change -- GLOBAL WARMING HOAX & SCAM DESTROYED -- Cyclical Global Warming & Cyclical Economies

2 years ago

This is a 2017 episode from the Missing Links series with Gregg Braden, where Gregg makes it unequivocally clear, that there is NO-THING out of the ordinary going on with Earth's climate.

In this very interesting episode, Gregg correlates the cycles in climate, the cycles in economic growths and declines, and the cycles of human conflicts, wars. He describes the cycles, in relation to economic inflations, deflations, growths and declines, so making it clear that we all tend to be more vulnerable, susceptible, to particular developments, in particular cycles, that have taken place for hundreds of thousands of years. So also making it clear, that there is NO-THING out of the ordinary with the climate changes, as they have always been here, and ALWAYS are corrected in the same way. It's the DANCE of Mother Earth.

Everything that the so called corporate "governments", the corporate UN (United Nations) and the other globalist run weather corporations are feeding to the whores of the globalist cabal run Main Stream Media, is misappropriated by the corporate globalist cabal. It is misappropriated for the specific purpose of fooling the global peoples, to support the advancing of the global(ist) agenda, that the people would never accept under normal circumstances, and for implementing a tyrannical system of (corporate) rule, CORPORATE ONE WORLD GOVERNANCE, by the private corporate cabal. To usurp the freedom of all humans on Earth, and of all life on this earth..

Gregg shows much proof, that the warming and cooling cycles of the Earth have been here for many Thousands of years. It is also made clear that the fingered culprit of the "warming", carbon dioxide (CO2), is FACTUALLY NOT the cause of (global) warming), but instead CO2 is the cause for (global) cooling! The warming cycles ALWAYS precede the rise of carbon dioxide, and once carbon dioxide rises, cooling takes place. This, of course, flies in the face of the propagated lies, that humans and cattle are causing the warming cycle. This is not the case.

Everything we are going through, has always been here, for many thousands of years. The worldwide peoples are being lied to, and manipulated, to enslave themselves to the corporate tyrannical rule of the corporate New World Order cabal.


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