The Spiritual Battle over our Nation! November 2022

1 year ago

We Have a really big problem here in the US. We're not wrestling against "Joe Biden/K. Harris:as Ephesians 6:12 tells you and tells me that we wrestle not against Flesh and blood. And so , we have Hierachy's of Hell trying to take our territory. And The Lord showed me in Luke 10:19 that we can tread on the serpent & scorpion. and I started drawing out, what a serpent is, what does that thing look and the Lord showed me that it is a type of VIPER, so I drew a picture of the viper and I looked it up. And it has markings on it. Markings on a viper can sort of look like a symbol of a sleep emoji ( I meant to say like a LIGHTENING BOLT or a zigzag pattern) , if you turn it sideways, it looks like sleep emoji symbol...The Lord said you know what church, you’re asleep, youre asleep and I want you to wake up and I want you to know, the first part of that scripture - I’ve given you POWER and AUTHORITY..POWER AND AUTHORITY to TRAMPLE on the serpent and the scorpion, and he said Nothing, by NO MEANS, NOTHING shall HARM you.
So when I look at what’s happening in the election and I see these Mountains that are trying to RISE up and PROP 1 gets passed, which is killing babies after 28 days of birth. And I see Gavin Newsom out ,not campaigning for a re election , but campaigning to kill babies/ I say OH MY LORD, Let’s reverse that curse. Lets' get serious church . We need to make a COME BACK.
We need to let the devil know, that we’ve got power to trample the scorpion and the serpent. And so I spent a little time reading-actually Mary J Baxter is someone you can read and really get on board with this revelation -besides reading the Bible-so I spent a little time and I had a download from The Lord right before I came and I said, “ I need to share this”. So I can help us get back to where we need to be in our Nation. So I want to pray this over us now. And I realize Pastor Ben (Lim) is in S. Korea and is surrounding by a whole different vibe*spiritually of course.
And so we are also praying this for him too. Because this IS WAR. This is WAR on AMERICA, this is war in every nation. We are not the only nation that NWO is trying to form in ,so we’ve got to be serious and we got to stand up now, Stand up by yourself , stand up at night, stand up when the Lord is waking you up and giving you something to pray. Pray it, I can care where you are, pray in the spirit. When Pastor Sharon was up here and she was praying in the spirit- I don’t know if you like to HULA HOOP. When you were a little girl(to sharon), did you hula hoop?? She answered yes- , okay, I saw it, you had rings of fire around you like a hula hoop. You were hula hooping in the spirit gurl! The Lord says you got a hula hoop around you when ever you pray in the spirit/ So I had a revelation - everybody up there , everybody praying in the spirit. You just don’t understand the RING OF FIRE around you that’s taking down the enemies camp and I ‘m here to wake you up and wake you up right now! And I want you to know that The Lord gave me this. And I’m serious about us getting this revelation. I REBUKE the work of DARKNess and Hierarchy of Hell over you right now and over our land. May the governmental systems over us FALL and UNCOVER all the covert agents of hell, may they be dispelled in the mighty name of Jesus. I strip darkness of
Their secret power over you right now. Principalities , Powers, Authorities, Rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places you have NO POWER over us in this hour and we take back our territory right now in the name of Jesus. I don’t care who you are, if you know the Lord and you have been saved and you have received his spirit, you are MIGHTY, you are powerful, and you are MORE than enough. You are a conqueror and you can take back your territory and I want you to know right now that the devil canNOT keep you down. He might knock you down, but GET BACK UP, Get back up and stay in the game , girl and boy. Because this is war, amen.

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