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Linda Ann Chappell Story - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

Frank Chappell joins us to talk about what happened to his wife Linda in an American Hospital regarding the Covid Hospital Protocols. "In the early morning hours of August 31st, she requested to go to the hospital. Her family was pressuring her and I to seek treatment as well which didn't help with our decisions.  At first, everything seemed to be okay.  They admitted her to a regular room in the COVID unit and put her on Oxygen.  The hospital asked her if she was vaccinated or not upon admission.  Then that same day the doctors started her on Remdesivir treatments.  I was not allowed to enter the hospital or be with her for any reason.  California had a mandate in place that no one unvaccinated could enter a hospital and neither myself nor my daughter was vaccinated."

Read more about this heartbreaking story and others at https://chbmp.org/cases/murdered-by-fda-death-protocol/linda-ann-chappell/


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