Emotional Alchemy

2 years ago

This video contains subliminal elements. Please read on for details…
Our videos are made for artistic and entertainment purposes so there is no need to take them too seriously.
However, we are sampling with subliminal geometry and affirmations to enhance the experience of the user. We DO NOT use any type of mind entrainment technologies (binaural beats) in our videos. We (Nathan & Julia) work on these videos together, we watch them and use them for our own purposes and intend nothing but the best for ourselves and for the user.

All music used in videos is converted to A444 (528 Hz) instead of the traditional standard A440. The A440 Hz standard tuning is said to produce disharmonious and chaotic frequencies harmful to the human body.
We have personally noticed that we enjoy the music more after converting it.

Isn’t it funny how most of the songs with the coolest beats have the worst lyrics? This is why we find instrumentals and add our own “lyrics”.

To add subliminal elements into the videos (geometry, affirmations), the geometric image or affirmation image is overlaid on the video and set to 1% opacity, making it invisible to the naked eye yet it is still there working its magic in a subtle way.

We noticed that when we began to overlay our videos with geometric images, we loved the effect we experienced as a result. Difficult to explain, almost like a clearing of the aura, or simply a “loosening” feeling, we felt lighter and calmer. We hope you may be able to experience this as well.

Subliminals work by addressing the subconscious mind and thus silencing critical thinking and the conscious mind. Doing an open eyed meditation on a specific geometry or reciting affirmations can be empowering enough, but when we also use subliminals in this way, we bypass the judgement of our conscious mind and directly target harmful limiting beliefs in the subconscious. The subconscious is much like a computer, in that it cannot distinguish between true and false and it has no reasonable thinking. It accepts everything, this can be a bad thing if you feed it negative suggestions, but in this case, we are working with sacred geometrical images and positive affirmations.

Our videos entertain the conscious, while working with the subconscious mind.

See below for insight into the geometry and affirmations specifically chosen for this video…

The Icosahedron was chosen as the subliminal geometry in this video because it represents the water element, movement, going with the flow, and change. It’s also connected with emotions and the sacral chakra, potentially assisting with emotional integration. It is the third of our platonic solids, with 20 equilateral triangle faces. This shape will assist with healing, realignment and trusting the flow of the universe.

In place of affirmations, for this video, I used excerpts from “Masters of the Matrix” by Magenta Pixie (we are big fans of hers).
Acknowledgment, gratitude, analysis and integration are the four steps to emotional integration. When caught up in an emotion that you would rather not be feeling. This four step process can help clear the negative emotion through integration.
First, acknowledging that the emotion is there. Not ignoring or burying it. Second, thanking it and recognizing it as a teacher. Third, analyzing why it is there, which may or may not bring up shadow trauma. These three steps lead to integration of the emotion, which ultimately clears the emotion from your “attractor fields” and prevents you from attracting a matching negative situation into your life.
Recommended reading:

Thank you and enjoy the video

Sacred forms:
Today’s video thumbnail is one of the sacred forms from the Cosmic Heart collection by Mana at the Divine Light Sanctuary. This collection is said to… “Facilitate union with Universal Divine Heart, integrate embodiment of heart-mind and awareness and embodiment—ascension—into Universal Buddha/Christ eternal nature.” Learn more at https://divinelightsanctuary.org/sacred-forms/

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