NASA's Artemis moon rocket is hours from launch. Will it finally fly?

1 year ago

NASA's Artemis moon rocket is hours from launch. Will it finally fly?
NASA is once again counting down the hours to the first flight test of its new 32-story-tall Artemis rocket, the one the agency hopes will carry astronauts back to the moon in just a few years.

The space agency has been struggling to get the multi-billion-dollar rocket off the ground so that it can send a capsule — without a crew on board — around the moon and back, allowing managers to perform critical tests of its systems. Lift-off is now targeted for a two-hour window that opens at 1:04 am EST, Wednesday, Nov. 16, and weather at the launch site in Florida looks promising.

A successful launch would be a key milestone for NASA's Artemis program, which aims to put the first woman and first person of color on the lunar surface. The agency has not launched a space vehicle designed to send astronauts to the moon since 1972.

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