
1 year ago

Let me tell you a story about a common thread.

What do you believe would be the common thread between being a high fashion area sales manager, business development trainer, operations manager, financial leasing manager, national business development manager, national sales manager, head of business development and marketing manager, country manager?

Apart from being some of my previous job titles at some of the biggest companies in the world.

Every single one, go to market motion was sales led growth handcuffed to “numbers game”. Aka capture details of anyone, not researching who is in market and why and what would make it real for them.

Not one, understood how to create demand, and capture demand.

Those that know my full story understand, when I started breaking the rules making my own marketing content, and coupling with unique delivery mechanisms to strike the buyers within their buying cycle ; things started to change.

Closure rates that previously had taken eighteen months, went straight to contract.

Feedback for my methodologies was stated as “refreshing”.

Did the rapid success of these frameworks cause interdepartmental friction, yes.

But it was easier to ask for forgiveness after getting the deals, than permission to sidestep departments in entirety.

You gotta break some eggs to make the best omelette.

What did I learn?

The future of business doesn’t care who does what action with what job title.

The market will dictate how responsive a change to the traditional mundane methodology can be.

Finding new ways to get better, is always challenging to those who are stuck in fixed traditional mindsets.

Do you believe what I believe?

Interested to find out more on how to simplify everything to weaponise your brand promise to the right target audience?

#ClosedCircuitSelling is your shortcut to business success.

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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