11.06.22 "I Found 'Freedom' in ACIM – Literally"

1 year ago

When people talk about about ACIM they frequently mention things like: forgiveness, love, healing, and guidance. Less frequently, but still often, the overtly religious terms get added: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, atonement, etc. However, I rarely hear anybody talk about “freedom.” Yet freedom is one of the most often talked about ideas in ACIM. The words “freedom” or “freedoms” appear 216 times in ACIM. Wow, that’s a lot. But there’s much, much more. The word “free” or some derivation of “free" (frees, freely, freeing, freed) appears a whopping 431 times. Remember that you don’t have to use the word itself to talk about freedom. Perhaps you’re making a point about its opposite. “Prison" or “imprison" (or a derivation) appear 115 times. “Slave” and “enslave,” (or some derivation) add another 46 occurrences. "Tyranny" (or a derivation) has another 7 occurrences. That’s 815 times for some discussion about freedom! Think about how important freedom should be for the ACIM practitioner. Next Tuesday the USA will have the much awaited mid-term election, which will be an exercise of our freedom. "Freedom cannot be learned by tyranny of any kind, and the perfect equality of all God's Sons cannot be recognized through the dominion of one will over another." (OrEd.Tx.8.32) Let’s bath in freedom's energy as we find and explore “freedom” in ACIM. 28 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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