How to Built an electric guitar with plastic recovered from the ocean | 如何用从海洋中回收的塑料制作电吉他

1 year ago

All the means are good to sensitize us against the pollution of the oceans. A cause defended by Burls Art who embarked on the unusual project of making an electric guitar only from plastic waste.

In this 15-minute video, we see him directly recovering waste from the ocean with members of the eco-responsible clothing brand 4Ocean. The plastic waste was then crushed into tiny pieces, before being melted at 350 degrees to give the instrument this atypical appearance.

Using a wooden template, he was then able to carve the block of plastic, sand it and carve every detail. For his handle, he opted for caps and colored plastic straws, frozen in epoxy. To make it really functional, he fitted it with a single coil on the neck and a humbucker on the bridge, both connected to a three-button control section.

The videographer brilliantly combines innovation and commitment by delivering an unusual instrument endowed with an inimitable style. This process also seems to hit the mark because the video already has more than 120,000 views in just a few days. To find out more about the constructions of Burls Art, do not hesitate to visit its Youtube channel followed by 551,000 subscribers.

And if you appreciate this type of creation, we invite you to (re)discover the video of the creators Brothers Make during which they create a designer cutting board from plastic caps.

所有方法都有助于提高我们对海洋污染的敏感度。 Burls Art 捍卫的一项事业开始了一个不寻常的项目,即只用塑料废料制作电吉他。

在这段 15 分钟的视频中,我们看到他直接与环保服装品牌 4Ocean 的成员一起回收海洋垃圾。然后将塑料废料粉碎成小块,然后在 350 度下熔化,使仪器具有这种非典型的外观。


这位摄像师通过提供具有独特风格的不寻常乐器,将创新与承诺巧妙地结合在一起。这个过程似乎也恰到好处,因为视频在短短几天内已经有超过 120,000 次观看。要了解有关 Burls Art 结构的更多信息,请随时访问其拥有 551,000 名订阅者的 Youtube 频道。

如果您喜欢这种类型的创作,我们邀请您(重新)发现创作者 Brothers Make 的视频,他们在视频中用塑料盖制作了设计师砧板。

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