Are We Still the Consumers? Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

2 years ago

Consumers or Being Consumed?

Are We Still the Consumers? Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

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Video Transcript:

“For decades we have been told that we live in a consumer society. At this point I doubt many would argue with the assertion, but I do have some questions. Are we still the consumers, or are we being consumed? Have we lost something of ourselves to this unbridled consumerism? And if we have, can we get it back?

I look around, and it seems everything has a brand on it these days. The proliferation of brands has blanketed our society and has powerfully impacted our psyche. Again, I have some questions. What did we first use branding on? Cattle. What did the branding signify? Ownership. What was the second use of branding? Slavery. And that branding signified what? Ownership. Do we own the brands or do the brands own us? Are we still the consumers, or are we being consumed?”

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