How to Survive the Impending Economic Crash with Creative Financing

1 year ago

Brumbaugh Properties LLC owner and president, Evan Brumbaugh is passionate and dedicated to ensuring that his clients find homes that are perfect for their needs. With more than 11 years of real estate experience, he gets creative in making things possible for the benefit of others.

In this interview, paramedic-firefighter-turned-real-estate-CEO shares an honest and crucial behind-the-scene view on finance, real estate, and more. This episode is a tell-all on the truth about market crashes as well as smart and creative ways to reduce risks and improve your survival should you face them.

Brumbaugh has made a name for his business in West Milton, Ohio through a powerful mindset fueled by knowledge learned from years of experience and observation.

Don’t Forget To Reach Out To Evan Brumbaugh:


Quotes -

“[On buying power] We should be measuring our wealth in our ability to buy things. So the more stuff that I need on a daily basis that I can buy with the money I have, the richer I am.”

“I would argue [that] owning real estate is the way to hedge against that inflation, but you have to understand how the inflation is playing against you in order to play the game.”

“I don’t have all the answers, to be honest. If anyone tells you they have all the answers, you need to run from them.”

“Creative financing comes in to allow you to keep that kind of leverage [against inflation and abusive finance systems] in place in a way that’s long-term and a little bit more survivable.”

“I got really lucky that I was not in the investing world in ‘08. I got into it in 2011 when all of these foreclosures were on the market. So I was able to have watched the bad stuff happen, recognize the risk, and buy these properties at really low points with really low leverage.”

“I have this allergy. I’m allergic to selling. As long as I’ve got a property that’s making a good income, I just don't want to get rid of it.”

“Integrity is key. There are too many dishonest people out there in the business that gives us a bad name.”

“If two people come into a deal, both people should walk away happy. Both people should get something good out of that deal.”

Concepts -

There’s always a solution to make all parties involved happy and satisfied. You just need to be creative about it.
Learning does not only come from reading books. You can also look for other media that works better for you, including watching videos on topics that interest you.
The more you learn about something, the more it makes sense. Later on, you’ll be able to piece different things together, realize that they make sense, and see that they are, in fact, connected.
The real basis to measure wealth is not reserves but your ability to buy things as you need them.
From the economical standpoint of the chain of supply and demand, printing out more money than what is required results in higher prices for products.
Creative financing allows you to turn the table to your personal advantage. And at the very least, it allows you and your assets to survive against possible problems that come up with the changing economy.
Observing and gaining knowledge are necessary when you want to enter a new industry. Learn from the mistakes of others so that you’ll be able to recognize when risks are good to take or not.
It pays to be patient, especially on things that bring you a stable income.
Being intelligent and prepared are two key things to ensure survival if any financial disruptions occur in the future.
Thinking out of the box, however absurd your plans sound, and working to meet halfway with your partner, can take you places.
Constantly strive to learn something from others. Share your experiences and take advantage of networking and deals that benefit yourself and your partner.

Time Stamps -

0:00 Introduction
0:27 Evan’s crazy real estate transaction
2:50 Solving his client’s real estate dilemma
4:43 Everyone’s happy
7:00 Into the rabbit hole of finance
9:33 The financial system and buying power
11:13 The connection between mortgage loans and federal reserves
13:22 How “fake money” impacts product prices
16:00 The entire system structure is bound to get disrupted
17:20 Commercial loans vs fixed rate residential
18:00 The ugly truth about financial crashes
20:25 Advice to stay safe in an unpredictable market
22:58 Integrity is key
23:40 Strategies to survive the market
26:00 Heping each other out
30:15 Personal relationships are the most valuable
32:12 Honesty and integrity in the business
33:50 Evan’s early years and career
34:47 Vision for the next one to two years
36:33 Changing your working mindset to reach financial freedom
40:00 You give what you get

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