Nov 2, 2005 🎺 Armageddon... Son, take your Sickle and gather the Grapes into My Wine Press

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The Lord says… Take your Sickle &
Gather the Grapes into My Winepress, called ARMAGEDDON

November 2, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Timothy, write these words to the multitude, all those who would hear what The Lord of Heaven and earth says to those who dwell upon the earth, under the earth, and they in the heavens..

Ears open, My people, the trumpet is sounding… And The Lord of Lords, King of Kings, is come… And is yet come unseen, though seen…

And is yet coming in the brightness of His being, where every eye shall behold His image, for it is the image of God! Every eye shall see Him… Those asleep, those awake, those who are condemned, and those already in the Sanctuary.

And oh yes, you foul and detestable birds, flying in the midst of the earth, you shall see Him… And that very same hour, you shall all perish, along with all those who gave heed to your transgressions and followed after you. All you spirits fallen, and unseen by My children, your existence is gone from you, you have been blotted out. For you have led My sheep to the slaughter, and have slaughtered My lambs… You shall be utterly consumed by the unquenchable fire, that goes before Him who is and was The very Son of Man, The Holy One, The Mighty One, The Spirit of God, The Beginning and End.

All darkness is swallowed up, in the glory of The Lamb forever and ever, for He is worthy. He alone is worthy and has broken the seal, and brought all things to fulfillment, because by Him, first, were all things made. Nothing was made, that was made, that was not made through Him. He is the Beginning and is coming quickly, and quickly shall He make the end. His sword is in His mouth, His sickle is in His hand.

Reap, oh Son of God Most High… Reap Your mighty harvest before the eyes of men… Cast Your judgment, in the name of The Most High. Again, My Son, reap, and gather together the remnant… Hide them away for a time, and times and half a time.

Second angel, take your sickle, and gather together the clusters of grapes from all the earth… Gather them together, into My winepress, which is also called Armageddon… Thoroughly tread Your feet upon them, My Begotten… Split them asunder, with the sword of Your mouth…

In Your words are the power of God, separating their flesh from their sinew,
And their sinew from their bones, and their very souls from their bodies.

Their flesh shall be as a banquet for all the birds and the beasts of the field, for they fed upon the flesh of My saints, followed after every unclean bird, and worshipped the beast who became man. And so they, who acted in such a manner, shall be left and devoured in the very same manner, for in this is their due reward. Strong is The Lord your God, and fiery is His anger… Who can cool His hot countenance once aroused in wrath?

Vengeance is Mine, says The Lord!… Vengeance is Mine. Even so, I call to you now, My precious children… You have become a wasteland in your disobedience and sin… Your wickedness and its stench rises to Heaven, yet I call to you still.

My very Spirit have I poured out, so you would remember and come to Me… You choose death, you choose death… What bitter, bitter sorrow. Life has become death and the dead made alive. My children, Christ is your salvation! It is He I have sent, and send again, to save you. Turn not away to destruction…

Abide in love, through My Son who has eternal life in Him, and through My words which have eternal life in them. I give you the Manna from Heaven and the Spring of Living Water from the Rock, once again… You have chosen starvation and dehydration.

The first harvest is lowly… The second shall be plenteous. The workers are already in the field… Listen to them! …They speak for Me. The lowly shall be taken… The mighty, abased.

The battle of the ages is waged… The victory, sure… The end of evil written before the foundation of the world. Give glory to Christ… His name is Jesus… For it is He I have glorified in My name, and My glory is the same glory He owns.

By Him is all in all… And all, that is, is in Me, your Father, your God, forever and ever, days without end. Come one, come all… Now is the appointed time. Amen.

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